22 hepatitis C research videos from Canadian Symposium on HCV, Feb. 7, 2014 in Toronto

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Check out these 22 You Tube videos about hepatitis C research from the 3rd Annual CIHR-HCV Symposium (Feb. 7, 2014 in Toronto). Some are very technical, others quite accessible and entertaining. Taste and enjoy!

01-Marc Bilodeau – opening remarks (7 Min) (from U of Montreal)
02-Lorne Tyrrell (39 min.) – Access to Care for HCV Infected Individuals (from U of Alberta)
03-Sanjeev Arora (43 mins) – Project ECHO: A Model to Improve Care in [Rural & Remote parts of] Canada (from U of New Mexico, USA)
04-Marina Klein (17 mins) – Canadian Co-Infection Cohort Study: Building the Case for Increased Access to HCV Therapy for HIV-HCV Co-Infected Persons (from McGill U)
05-Thomas Fabre (8 mins) – IL-17A Enhances Liver Fibrosis through Upregulation of the TGF-B Receptor on Hepatitic Stellate Cells in a JNK Dependent Manner (from CRCHUM in Montreal)
06-Andrea Olmstead (10 mins) – Molecular Phylogenetics of HCV as a Tool to Understand the HCV Epidemic in BC (from BCCDC)
07-Marcus Heim (35 mins) – The Role of the Innate Immune Response in HCV in the Era of INF-Free Therapy (from Basel, Switzerland)
08-Naglaa Shourkry (17 mins) – Immune Signatures during Acute HCV (from U of Montreal)
09-Selena Sagan (15 mins) – Investigating the PCBP2 in the HCV Life Cycle (from McGill)
10-Nicholas van Buuren (15 mins) – Use of Codon-Altered JFH1 to Quantify HCV Co-Infections (from Stanford U)
11-Carla Treloar (26 mins) – Social Issues in HCV (U of New Wo. Wales, Sydney, AUS)
12-Louise Balfour (17 mins) – Bio-Psycho-Social Framework for HCV Treatment Care: Psychology in the Middle (U of Ottawa)
13-Jason Grebely (11 mins) – Contined Low Uptake of Treatment for HCV Infection in a Large Community-Based Cohort of Inner City Residents (Kirby Inst., U of New So. Wales, Sydney AUS)
14-Jeff Powis (13 mins) – Treating the “Difficult to Treat”: A Prospective Study of a Community-Based, Collaborative Care, Group Support Model of HCV Treatment (Toronto East Gen. Hosp.) 
15-Maxim Trubnikov (14 mins) – Developing estimates of prevalent & undiagnosed HCV infections in Canada in 2011 (PHAC)
16-Margaret Gale-Rowe (15 mins) – The PHAC Actions in HCV Prevention & Control (PHAC)
17-Kim Page (32 mins) – Delivering Care to PWID & Those with Substance/Mental Health Issues (UC San Francisco)
17B-Kathy Pouteau – Barriers to Care in the Canadian Aboriginal Population (Sioux Lookout, ON). This was one of the best presentations! And it’s MISSING FROM YOU TUBE! We are trying to track it down and will post once we have it.
18-Brandan Jacka (13 mins) – Phylogenetic Clustering of HCV Among People Who Inject Drugs in Vancouver, Canada (Kirby Inst., U. of New So. Wales, Sydney, AUS)
19-Carmine Rossi (13 mins) – Assn. Between HCV RNA Status and All-Cause Mortality in a Cohort of HCV-HIV Co-Infected Canadians (McGill U)
20-Curtis Cooper (15 mins) DEBATE: Treatment should be strictly delivered by specialists rather than by primary care practitioners in the community – Pro (Clinician Investigator, Ottawa)
21-Julie Bruneau (12 mins) DEBATE: Treatment should be strictly delivered by specialists rather than by primary care practitioners in the community – Con (Primary Care Physician, Montreal)
22-Panel Discussion moderated by Dr. Jordan Feld: Dr Sanjeev Arora, Dr Julie Brunequ, Dr Markus Heim, Dr Curtis Cooper & Community Reps

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