SOVALDI: Request personal input into Patient Group Submission

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Link to July 3, 2014 WEBINAR about Sovaldi by Dr. Alnoor Ramji, co-hosted by HepCBC and the Pacific Hepatitis C Network

If you want BC PharmaCare to cover sofosbuvir (SOVALDI™) treatment (from Gilead Sciences), read carefully: HepCBC needs to send BC PharmaCare a really good patient group submission. We need your help before July 10th. This is incredibly important, and every voice we can include makes our submission better, plus the greater number of voices, the more validity we can claim. Read BC PharmaCare’s info sheet about sofosbuvir (SOLVADI™) HERE. It can be used in all genotypes, but in this submission genotypes 1-4 are specifically mentioned. 

NOTE: Don’t get confused. HepCBC recently called for patient input into simeprevir (GALEXOS™) by Janssen Pharmaceuticals (for genotype 1). This is a BRAND-NEW call. Sofosbuvir (SOVALDI™) is an entirely different treatment.

To give input to BC PharmaCare about sofosbuvir (SOVALDI™), you have several choices:

If you are a chronic hepatitis C PATIENT, you can do Option (1) or (2) below – or BOTH. (Option 1 is to contribute to HepCBC’s group submission; Option 2 is to send in your own full individual submission)

If you are a chronic hepatitis C CAREGIVER, you can do Option (3) below only. (Note: Patients can also describe the effects of chronic hepatitis C and treatment on their caregivers in their patient submission.)

Feel free to share this with other chronic hepatitis C patients, especially those in British Columbia. Thanks!

Option (1)
PATIENTS must answer the first 3 questions, and as many as you wish of the rest (d) – (g). Email your answers to HepCBC on or before midnight on Thursday, July 10th. We will add your answers to our Patient Group Questionnaire.

(a) Required: Disclose any Conflict of Interest such as a relationship with – or money/other benefits received from – the drug-maker, Gilead Sciences, including if you have participated in a Gilead clinical trial. This won’t disallow your input, but we need to acknowledge it.

(b) Required: your province

(c) Required (YES/NO): Have you read the PharmaCare info sheet for sofosbuvir (SOVALDI™) – AVAILABLE AT THIS LINK.

(d) Optional: Describe how the condition or disease for which this drug is used affects your day-to-day life.

(e) Optional: If you have tried sofosbuvir (SOVALDI™), what effects did you experience?

(f) Optional: What drugs or other treatments have you used, or are you currently using, for chronic hepatitis C (CHC)? Please list all of the drugs and describe your experience with each treatment.

(g) Optional: Why do you believe this drug should be included in the BC PharmaCare program?

PLEASE EMAIL ANSWERS TO (a-g) ABOVE TO on or before July 10th, thanks!

Option (2)
PATIENTS, if they wish, can also go to to fill out a full individual submission.
Scroll down to sofosbuvir (SOLVADI™). Select “Patient Questionnaire” and follow the directions.

Option (3)
CAREGIVERS can go to
Scroll down to sofosbuvir (SOLVADI™). Select “Caregiver Questionnaire” and follow the directions.

Thanks! We look forward to your submissions!

The folks at:
HepCBC Hepatitis C Education & Prevention Society
PO Box 46009, 2642 Quadra Street Victoria, BC V8T 5G7 Canada

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