ReDEMPTION eTrials Now Open

This page is an archive. Its content may no longer be accurate and was last updated on the original publication date. It is intended for reference and as a historical record only. For hep C questions, call Help4Hep BC at 1-888-411-7578.

Imagine Life Free From Hepatitis C

It is entirely possible to access the new Hepatitis C cures at affordable prices via parallel importing. Click here or on the image to learn more about the REDEMPTION eTrials and please share this with your friends.

REDEMPTION-3 (GT 1 4 5 6) is now open and is using tablets containing generic Harvoni ® (Sofosbuvir 400 mg / Ledipasvir 90 mg) sourced from a variety of reputable manufacturers such as Cipla, Incepta, Hetero, Natco, Beacon and Julphar.

REDEMPTION-2 (GT 1 2 3 4 5 6) is now open is using tablets containing generic Solvadi® (Sofosbuvir 400 mg) and Daklinza® (Daclatasvir 60 mg) sourced from a variety of reputable manufacturers such as Incepta, Beacon, Julphar, and possibly Cipla, Hetero, and Natco.

The new treatments have minimal side effects and typically see 95% of people cured after 12 weeks of treatment at a cost of $1400-1600 USD.

If you are interested in the FixHepC Buyers Club click here. To hear what real people have to say visit our Open Access Forum.

If you’re living with Hepatitis C you now have the chance to step into the light again.

Imagine just how good it would feel to finally be free.

Hope is to hand. REDEMPTION is here now. Will you find it?

PS: Yes, it’s real – check out the forums to read what real people are saying about their generic treatment journey. You can even chat in real time with people just like you.



If you live in a country which permits importation of drugs by mail for clinical trials or your own personal use, you may be interested in these trials. They are unique in that the drugs are legally-produced generics, the application and reporting is done online and “by invitation only”, and participants are required to purchase the drugs themselves (varying between $1400 and $1600 USD for the entire course of treatment).

IMPORTANT! YOU MUST CONSULT WITH YOUR PHYSICIAN PRIOR TO JOINING A STUDY SUCH AS THIS. HepCBC strongly recommends that participants have a local physician thoroughly monitoring your condition and progress before, during, and after this study. YOU MUST ALSO DETERMINE WHAT YOUR COUNTRY’S LAWS ARE REGARDING CLINICAL TRIAL or PERSONAL IMPORTATION of PHARMACEUTICALS as these laws, and how they are interpreted, can change without notice. (For Canadian laws, see below)

The studies are:

Canadian Law regarding importation of drugs for personal use by Canadian Residents


Here is a law regarding importation of drugs when participating in a NON-CANADIAN CLINICAL TRIAL:

“Drugs used in a clinical trial which is not sponsored in any manner in Canada and used strictly by the patient  (Applies to Canadian patients enrolled in foreign clinical trials where drugs are required to be imported). Documentation may be required to prove that the patient is enrolled in a foreign (i.e., outside Canada) clinical trial.  In order to not interrupt a course of medical treatment, Health Canada may use enforcement discretion to permit the importation of clinical trial drugs not otherwise permitted, however, restrictions similar to personal importations would be followed, i.e., maximum 90 day supply.”

Geographical Eligibility for REDEMPTION

Sadly the laws about personal importation vary from country to country. Shipment to many countries is possible, to some it is not. Here is a map showing locations where we either know we can ship from personal experience, or expect to be able to achieve medication delivery.

– See more at: