U.S.: Prescriber Restrictions Hurt Hepatitis C Patients, AAFP Argues

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April 20, 2016 01:56 pm Jill Sederstrom – In an effort to ensure that all patients with hepatitis C virus (HCV) have access to the best treatment, the AAFP is pressing CMS to help end restrictions that prevent primary care physicians from exercising their clinical expertise with the disease.

The latest oral HCV drugs have significantly higher cure rates with fewer side effects than older treatments did, but they also carry much higher price tags. Limiting patients’ access even more, some states have implemented prescriber restrictions that make it more difficult for patients to receive the drugs without involving a subspecialist.

To help solve this problem, the AAFP and seven other organizations sent a joint letter(2 page PDF) to CMS Acting Administrator Andy Slavitt on April 8 that urged his agency to revise its policies so patients who need HCV drugs have access to physicians who can prescribe them.

“We believe that treatment for chronic HCV should be based on the prescribing physician’s expertise rather than a requirement of medical specialist consultation,” the letter said.

Read more…http://www.aafp.org/news/health-of-the-public/20160420hepcaccess.html