This page is an archive. Its content may no longer be accurate and was last updated on the original publication date. It is intended for reference and as a historical record only. For hep C questions, call Help4Hep BC at 1-888-411-7578.

As many of you know, the Past Economic Loss and Dependent (PELD) fund of the Pre/Post Hepatitis C Settlement is in a deficit situation – with more than $65 million in unpaid claims. More than 300 victims are waiting for much needed funds that were promised – and there are likely many more, as the claim assessment process has been halted.
At the same time, the 1986-1990 settlement has a surplus of $250 million. There is a court application to be heard in June to use this surplus to enhance benefits, but the Federal Government has instead asked for the money to be returned. The joint hearing of the Ontario, Quebec and British Columbia courts will be in Toronto on June 20-22, 2016 to hear submissions on how to allocate the surplus. In our view, the $250M surplus should be directed to all Hepatitis-C tainted blood victims, including Pre/Post victims.
We need your help in sharing this message on behalf of claimants.
1. Sign the Online Petition!
One of our claimants has offered to sponsor a petition to Prime Minister Trudeau, the Attorney General and the Health Minister. His request is: “We, the undersigned electors of Canada, call upon the Government of Canada to direct the $250 million surplus to all Hepatitis-C tainted blood victims, including pre-86/post-90 victims who have yet to receive their agreed upon settlements.”
Please add your name here: (click on the blue text to access the online petition). It will only take a minute or two.
2. Share the Petition!
Once you’ve signed, please share it with your friends, family members, neighbours and community members. There are a number of ways to share it:
- Send the following link in an email:
- Once you’ve signed, you will have the option to share on Facebook and Twitter. If you use social media, please consider sharing on those platforms.
- Once you’ve signed, you will also have the option to add in e-mail addresses of others you would like to sign. Please consider using this option as well!
3. Write a letter/email to your local Member of Parliament!
The recent federal election brought in a new government, with many new MPs who are eager to hear from constituents. A few easy steps:
- Look up your MPs name and contact info here, using your postal code: (click on the blue text)
- Feel free to use language from the petition
- Email or mail your letter (no postage required)
- If possible, please send a copy to Lisa Porteous, Case Manager/Paralegal, so we can keep track (
4. Meet with your local Member of Parliament! MPs are returning to their ridings at the end of June until the middle of September. Please consider taking time to sit down with them to share your story, and make your request in person. A few easy steps:
- Look up your MPs name and contact info here, using your postal code: (click on the blue text)
- Call the phone number for the “constituency address” to schedule a time.
If you have any questions about the above, please do not hesitate to contact me by phone at 604.714.6533 or email at
David A. Klein
Gary Smith
Nicola Hartigan
Lisa Porteous