Who sets the maximum price allowed for patent medicines in Canada, including hep C treatments?

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Who sets the maximum price allowed for patent medicines in Canada, including hep C treatments? The “Patented Medicine Prices Review Board” (PMPRB) does!

PMPRB asked patient groups for feedback on proposed changes to PMPRB’s mandate. In our submission, HepCBC asked for maximum pricing to reflect “prevalence” of a disease (how many people have it), because the more treatments you can sell, the more you can lower your price and still make the same or better profit. We advocated for pricing which is more in line with European rather than American prices. We also advocated for an “Equitable Profit Margin”. We said it is not so important to patients if Research and Development is done in Canada as long as clinical trials are conducted here. Read HepCBC’s full (8 page) submission:



Action Hepatitis Canada also sent hepatitis C patient group feedback to Canada’s “Patented Medicine Prices Review Board” (PMPRB). The downsides of the current lack of transparency in pharmaceutical pricing was a key theme of this review. You can see it at: https://gallery.mailchimp.com/2e76b9449c880cc7696ca56c1/files/AHC_Submission_PMPRB_Rethinking_the_Guidelines_October_2016.pdf