Medivir announces that Janssen has initiated an open-label phase IIb study of the 3DAA combination of simeprevir, odalasvir and AL-335 (JNJ-4178)

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A phase IIb open-label study of the combination of simeprevir, odalasvir and AL-335, also known as JNJ-4178, has been initiated by Janssen in treatment-naive and treatment-experienced subjects with chronic hepatitis C virus infection without cirrhosis. This global, multi-center study includes clinical trial sites in North America, Europe and Asia and forms part of Janssen’s global development program for JNJ-4178.

The objectives of the phase IIb study are to investigate the efficacy, safety and pharmacokinetics of JNJ-4178/ AL-335 (800mg QD), odalasvir (25mg QD), and simeprevir (75mg QD) in treatment-naive and treatment-experienced non-cirrhotic subjects with chronic hepatitis C virus genotype 1, 2, 4, 5, and 6 infection.

Patients in the study will receive the triple combination for either six or eight weeks, and the primary efficacy endpoint will be the percentage of patients with a sustained virological response 12 weeks after the end of treatment (SVR12).

An ongoing phase IIa study is assessing the same triple combination in patients with or without compensated cirrhosis.

Further information on the trial planning and conduct can be found on with identifier NCT02765490.

Read complete press release here….