This page is an archive. Its content may no longer be accurate and was last updated on the original publication date. It is intended for reference and as a historical record only. For hep C questions, call Help4Hep BC at 1-888-411-7578.
Philip Wilkin, Chair of HepCBC’s Prison Outreach Committee, is very pleased to announce today the launch of a new pamphlet, a toll-free phone “Hotline” for prisoners, and a new Hepatitis Prison Outreach webpage. The pamphlet, “Hepatitis C: Breaking Down the Bars between Prison Health and Public Health,” will be widely distributed to prisoners and their allies over the coming weeks. It invites prisoners, their families and allies, and prison-experienced individuals to contact the Committee for its services: Confidential phone or email information and support, or mailed written materials tailored to the prisoner’s needs. The people answering queries will have lived-experience with either hepatitis B or C, or inside the prison system, or both. They understand confidentiality issues, are non-judgemental, and are committed to listening carefully while doing their best to help. Most are, at this point at least, very dedicated volunteers.
While hepatitis C is the main issue this Committee will address, it is preparing to address co-infection and hepatitis B issues as needed. HepCBC will also be increasing its advocacy work on behalf of BC’s and Canada’s prisoners, with the major goals being:
(1) Hepatitis B and C treatment and care equity for prisoners – same access on both sides of the bars, and a seamless transfer of medical information, treatment, and care between prison and outside and
(2) Prevention of hepatitis B and C infection and re-infection in the prisons through the use of a variety of harm reduction measures including education and supplies.
HepCBC’s Prison Outreach Committee looks forward to working with anyone or any group that shares these goals.
- Contact: Toll-free line: 1-844-268-2118.
- Email:
- Download pamphlet at:
- or request free hard-copies mailed through HepCBC Victoria office.
- Webpage: