Studies show hepatitis C test rates low despite effective new treatments

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Note:  Although this study was done in the USA, the results hold true for Canada.  Why should people who feel stigmatized for having hepatitis C get tested only to be stared at down the nose by physicians who still put people with hep down, and also to find out that they can’t afford to get treated!! It’s a really lousy situation — CD

Despite a 2013 recommendation from the US Preventive Services Task force that all baby boomers be tested for hepatitis C virus (HCV), testing levels in the 2 years that followed the advice remained very low, researchers reported today.

And a Veterans Affairs (VA) analysis highlights more effective and well-tolerated treatment options.

People on Medicare, Medicaid, or military insurance had higher HCV testing rates compared with those with private insurance. Testing levels were greater in men and among college graduates.

“These findings underscore the need for increased awareness for HCV testing among healthcare providers and baby boomers and other innovative strategies such as state-mandated HCV testing,” the authors concluded.

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