Know Your Status — Get Tested

This page is an archive. Its content may no longer be accurate and was last updated on the original publication date. It is intended for reference and as a historical record only. For hep C questions, call Help4Hep BC at 1-888-411-7578.

Know Your Status — Get Tested. That’s the message for those born between 1945 and 1975. Three out of four Canadians who have hepatitis C (HCV) fall within this age bracket.

Del Grimstad is one of those, but has successfully treated the virus that mostly attacks the liver, but can also cross the brain barrier.

“Which we’ve suspected for many years, but they finally got proof of it,” said Grimstad, a harm reduction worker at AIDS Vancouver Island (AVI) who co-facilitates a local Hep C peer group. He also co-chairs HepCBC in Victoria, and is part of a steering committee for Action Hepatitis Canada.

Many people infected with hep C never feel sick and recover. Others get a brief illness with fatigue and loss of appetite, and their skin and eyes turn yellow. If one’s body is not able to fend off the virus, a person may develop chronic hepatitis, which can lead to cirrhosis, liver failure or cancer. Like chronic hep B, chronic hep C is a ‘silent’ disease because symptoms often don’t appear until one’s liver is severely damaged.

“The virus itself is a very virulent virus,” said Grimstad, noting HCV is contracted blood to blood. “We think at least 25 per cent of people that have it don’t know it. That’s concerning because then they can unknowingly pass it on…One of the problems with the virus is that it mutates very readily.”

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