Compound Found in Plums Shown to Inhibit Hepatitis C Virus Entry

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A naturally occurring compound in plums has been found to block the entry of the hepatitis C virus (HCV) into cultured liver cells. This finding could have positive implications for the development of new drugs to treat the disease, which the World Health Organizations (WHO) estimates affects over 70 million individuals around the world.

The discovery was made by a team of researchers from the Indian Institute of Science in Bangalore focused on a flavonoid called rutin found in the common plum. Rutin inhibited HCV-like particles from binding to hepatoma cells and inhibited HCV from entering the cells during the virus’s initial entry stage, according to the researchers, led by Anjali A. Karande., PhD, a professor in the institute’s biochemistry department.

Speaking on the importance of studying the entry stage of the viral lifecycle, the authors wrote, “Since most of the drug development strategies target the replication stage of viral lifecycle, the identification of entry inhibitors might be crucial especially in case of liver-transplant recipients.”

To conduct their study, the team investigated a dozen fruits and vegetables including apples, grapes, garlic, dates and beetroot that contained naturally-derived extracts with previously documented liver-protective effects. The produce was bought from a local market, sliced and pulverized in a grinder to prepare it for study.

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