NZ: Thousands of Hepatitis C sufferers unaware a cure is within reach

This page is an archive. Its content may no longer be accurate and was last updated on the original publication date. It is intended for reference and as a historical record only. For hep C questions, call Help4Hep BC at 1-888-411-7578.

A Hepatitis C survivor says she has been forced to do the government’s work to ensure others with the potentially life-threatening virus get access to “miracle” drugs.

Dunedin’s Hazel Heal credits the drugs with saving her life and completely restoring her liver, but is angry the government is not informing people about the virus and treatment options.

At least 50,000 Kiwis are estimated to have chronic Hepatitis C, but only half of them realise they have the blood-borne virus that attacks the liver. About 200 people die each year from it.

From July 2016 a Pharmac-funded direct-acting antiviral (DAA) medication, Viekira Pak, has offered hope to more than half of those with the virus.

So far about 2500 people have received the treatment, but another 9000 people could benefit, according to Pharmac, the government drug-buying agency.

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