Update: Memorial Dinner will Honour Phil Wilkin at Our Place next Thursday, January 10th

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400-500 community guests are expected to attend a complimentary dinner in honour of HepCBC Board Member, Phil Wilkin, at Our Place (919 Pandora Avenue, Victoria, BC) on Thursday, January 10th from 5 pm – 6 pm. Phil passed away unexpectedly of sudden cardiac arrest on November 24th.

HepCBC, with Our Place’s great help, is organizing this dinner, both in raising the funds ($800) and getting volunteers to help with serving and cleanup. As of Jan. 3rd, we are still short $300; you can donate any amount through https://www.gofundme.com/rip-philip-wilkin-true-spirit-of-giving ). We still could use a couple more servers (call 250-882-6024 if interested – your dinner will be provided).  Also, there will be an open mike available at the dinner if anyone wants to say anything about Phil, offer a prayer, a poem, or music, etc.

A wonderful Memorial Service in Victoria on December 14th was sponsored by Phil’s employer, AIDS Vancouver Island. And on December 21st Phil was laid to rest by his family in Peterborough, Ontario. He will be missed greatly by friends, family members, AVI, HepCBC, and by the many people whose lives he generously touched over the years, both during his imprisonment of more than two decades, and since his release. Phil was the Chair of HepCBC’s Prison Outreach committee, and the inspiration for the Hepatitis Colouring Book which has been used in both prisons and halfway houses: (http://hepcbc.bchep.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/20180919_ColouringBook_edition1b.pdf ) For more about Phil’s life and his contributions, see http://hepcbc.bchep.org/2018/11/30/phil-wilkin-1957-2018-r-i-p/ .