Consultation Tool for Hepatitis B Decision-Making – Free Application from CCO

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Clinical Care Options presents a new “Interactive Decision Support Tool” for Hepatitis B consultations to help determine whether and how to treat HBV patients, “Hep B Consult: US, European, and Asia-Pacific Guideline Recommendations on Whether and How to Treat HBV”

Downloading this tool is FREE but requires that you register with Clinical Care Options website:

Source: Best Practices in the Management of Patients With Hepatitis B: An Interactive Decision Support Tool

Learn guideline-based patient-specific HBV management recommendations using this Interactive Decision Support Tool.

Physicians can earn maximum of 0,25 AMA PRA Category 1 credits, expires March 20, 2022

Presented by:

  • Kosh Agarwal, MD
  • Paul Y. Kwo, MD
  • Grace LH Wong, MD

This online Interactive Decision Support Tool provides personalized guideline recommendations for specific patient scenarios you enter.

Choose to review advice from US, European, or Asia-Pacific guidelines and effortlessly access just the part of the guidelines you need for your current patient case.

Carry this resource in your pocket at the point of care!

This decision support tool is also available as an app for mobile devices.