Dark Day in Canada for Hepatitis C Patient Advocates

This page is an archive. Its content may no longer be accurate and was last updated on the original publication date. It is intended for reference and as a historical record only. For hep C questions, call Help4Hep BC at 1-888-411-7578.

HepCBC Hepatitis C Education-Prevention as well as Pacific Hep C Network in BC and CAPAHC in Quebec were all turned down yesterday for all Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) funding – not sure yet about HepNS. These are the largest, most active organizations in Canada who actually deal directly with REAL PEOPLE who are MONO-infected with hepatitis C.

Yes, the emperor is naked, Daryl Luster (see letter below), you’re so right.

We’ve never gotten government funding, but somehow PHAC convinced a number of us Hep C patient groups that this time would be different, that our HCV-experienced voices mattered, and we put all resources possible into these applications, trying so hard to fit what we know needs to be done into their guidelines.

What a terrible waste of our time!

However…yes Daryl is right. Now we can see the truth. We should work together to confront this hypocrisy. See Daryl’s Facebook posting below.

Cheryl Reitz


Well, we got some news today about our funding request with the Feds…well surprise of surprises it is no.

My comment about the Emperor not having any clothes is appropriate in that the focus remains in my view all about HIV. which is no surprise to me. Sorry if this bothers any of my HIV friends but being someone from the HCV community it is really getting old.

In HCV we are left with crumbs to do important work to support the people living with and at risk for hep c, all the while being told that we should depend on HIV org’s?????? F*** that!

I am angry, disappointed and sad that we have a government who relies on the wrong people and so-called “experts” who don’t really know shit about our community because they are not part of our community. Imagine that! All the talk about community engagement and the endless times I have been on calls and in endless meetings has meant nothing to them because all the while I was only played. I am done being played and making nice.

I am fed up and will not go silently into the dark and play like I have for too long-nice! If it sounds like I am pissed you got it right!!!!!

We have seen this same crap for years and I am fed up with it, but this does not mean I am going anywhere because they only make me even more determined than ever.

The Emperor has no clothes.

Daryl Luster