New Update for 86-90 Class Action — Feb 23, 2017

This page is an archive. Its content may no longer be accurate and was last updated on the original publication date. It is intended for reference and as a historical record only. For hep C questions, call Help4Hep BC at 1-888-411-7578.

Update Feb 23, 2017: New Update for 86-90 Class Action

The Court Orders have been approved by all parties, signed by the supervising judges and issued by the Courts. A copy of the Court Orders can be found by clicking on the link for the applicable province below.

The Administrator has begun processing the payments approved by the Court Orders.  Given the large number of HCV Special Distribution Benefits payments to be made, payments need to be made over time in 3 stages.

  • The first stage of payments will be made during the week of February 6, 2017 to alive primarily infected and secondarily infected claimants in respect of the Fixed payment benefit described above.
  • The second stage of payments will be made in mid-March, 2017 to:
    • the estates of deceased claimants entitled to the Fixed payment benefit described above;
    • family members entitled to the Family Member payment described above.
  • The third stage of payments will be made in mid- April, 2017 to:
    • claimants entitled to the Loss of Income (pension benefits compensation) benefit described above;
    • the Loss of Service benefit described above
    • the Cost of Care benefit described above

We will update this website ( to give you a more precise date for the second and third stage of payments when that information becomes available.  To read the complete update click here