Canada Leads International Indigenous Initiative to Make Progress Towards Global HIV, TB and Hepatitis C Targets

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OTTAWAJuly 5, 2017 /CNW/ – July 10-12, 2017, the Canadian Aboriginal AIDS Network (CAAN) is bringing together international and domestic stakeholders and Indigenous leaders representing over 14 countries, to share promising practices that highlight progress towards achieving global HIV, TB, and hepatitis C targets in Indigenous communities.

“I applaud the leadership and dedication of the people and organizations working to drive down the prevalence of AIDS, tuberculosis and hepatitis C in Indigenous communities through culturally safe and innovative approaches to prevention, detection and treatments. They are making a difference, and I have seen firsthand some of the tremendous successes that have been achieved following the implementation of programs such as, ‘Know Your Status’. Our Government is committed to ending the public health threat of both AIDS and hepatitis C by 2030 and tuberculosis by 2050 and this can be achieved only with the continued support and perseverance of our partners and through knowledge-sharing opportunities, such as this assembly.”

The Honourable Jane Philpott, P.C., M.P.
Minister of Health

To end the AIDS epidemic, UNAIDS and the World Health Organization have established the following 90-90-90 goals to achieve by the year 2020:

  • 90% of people living with HIV to know their status
  • 90% of people diagnosed with HIV to be in treatment
  • 90% of people in treatment to have undetectable viral loads.

On World AIDS Day 2016, the Government of Canada announced Canada’s progress towards these goals. National estimates are 20% of people living with HIV in Canada are not aware of their infection; 24% of those aware they have HIV are not taking anti-HIV therapy. “Indigenous communities play a critical role in closing target gaps, as they continue to be over-represented 2.7 times higher than other Canadians,” said Ken Clement, CEO of Canadian Aboriginal AIDS Network.

“This project is an opportunity for Indigenous Peoples, researchers, and policy makers from all over the world to share wise and promising practices, learn from each other and build relationships across continents, cultures, and languages,” said Clement.

CAAN will bring together the World Health Organization, UNAIDS, and the Pan American Health Organization and the International Indigenous Working Group on HIV and AIDS, alongside domestic supporters from Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada, Canadian Institutes Health Research, Health Canada, and Public Health Agency of Canada.

This project is rooted in multi-lateral and multi-sectorial collaborations that will contribute to capacity building and knowledge transfer through the sharing of lessons learned and promising models of care that will be translated into effective policies and programmes.

About CAAN

The Canadian Aboriginal AIDS Network is a non-profit national forum for Aboriginal Peoples to wholistically address HIV/AIDS, HCV, STBBIs, TB, mental health, aging, and co-morbidity; remedy the social determinants of health through advocacy; and provide resources in a culturally relevant manner for Aboriginal Peoples.

SOURCE Canadian Aboriginal AIDS Network (CAAN)

For further information: For Media Enquiries: Shelley Mantei,, 647-559-7713

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