How hepatitis C hides in the body

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The Hepatitis C (HCV) virus is a sly enemy to have in one’s body. Not only does it manage to make itself invisible to the immune system by breaking down communication between the immune cells, it also builds secret virus “factories” that quickly go into mass production.

It takes one to three months from infection to disease, which in the worst case scenario can lead to liver failure and death over time.

After an intense hunt, researchers at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) can now describe an important part of the disease’s guerrilla tactics: how hepatitis C converts innocent cells into outright virus factories.

The hepatitis C virus utilizes the IRGM protein to build its virus factories by redirecting the necessary building blocks to the site where the factories are being built.

When this protein is removed, the virus is no longer able to infiltrate the Golgi apparatus and thus it can’t build up its secret network of virus factories.

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