Vermont and North Carolina Remove Restrictions to Access to Treatment on Medicaid

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This is very good news for people with hepatitis C who live in Vermont and North Carolina.

Starting today November 1, 2017, the North Carolina Medicaid program will pay for medicines to treat hepatitis C for patients no matter how sick they are. In the past, the state wouldn’t pay for the expensive drugs unless the patient had stage two liver damage .

As well, In a news release from the Office of the Health Care Advocate in Vermont on October 30, 2017,  we were notified that Vermont Medicaid’s Drug Utilization Review Board (DURB) voted to lift the liver damage restriction that currently prevents many Vermont Medicaid patients with hepatitis C from accessing life-saving treatment. Because of this change many more Vermonters on Medicaid who have the life-threatening disease will gain access to curative treatment .