Attention Hepatitis B (HBV) Patients & Caregivers – Your Help Requested

This page is an archive. Its content may no longer be accurate and was last updated on the original publication date. It is intended for reference and as a historical record only. For hep C questions, call Help4Hep BC at 1-888-411-7578.

Do you have HEPATITIS B or are you a CAREGIVER for someone with HBV? This is really important for you! An improved hepatitis B treatment will likely be covered by BC (Canada) PharmaCare soon, but first the BC government has requested HepCBC to submit a patient group review explaining whether hepatitis B patients want this new treatment, and why.


HepCBC needs to hear your voices (English or Chinese 中文 ) in order to prepare our review! We need to know:

  • What is your experience with hepatitis B? (patient for “X” years, caregiver or nurse; country you live in, ?)
  • How has hepatitis B affected your life or that of your patient(s)? – (This can be a few sentences or a few paragraphs, it’s up to you).
  • What sort of treatment(s), if any, have you tried and how have they affected you – both positive and negative (Were there side effects and did the treatment[s] work?)
  • Do you support having the new treatment listed and covered by BC PharmaCare? Why or why not?
  • Any further suggestions or something else you want to add?

Send your phone or email input (English or Chinese 中文 ) BEFORE Monday, February 19, 2018 (midnight) to:

ENGLISH: 604-259-0500 / (ATTN Cheryl)

CHINESE 中文: 604-330-0096 / (ATTN Alan)



What is the new hepatitis B treatment?
It is tenofovir alafenamide or TAF (brand name VemlidyTM). Made by Gilead Sciences Canada, Inc., adult patients with chronic hepatitis B and compensated liver disease take one 25mg tablet once daily. This dose uses only one-tenth (10%) the tenofovir now used in the current treatment for both HBV and HIV, tenofovir disoproxil fumarate or TDF (Viread™), 300mg daily, but with comparable effectiveness in HBV viral suppression. The presumed benefit is far less long-term damage to HBV patients’ kidneys and bones. The federal government has already issued a Notice of Compliance from Health Canada (June 19, 2017).

Pricing comparison:
TAF (Vemlidy) is $21.11 per day vs TDF (Viread) which is $5.28 per day. (prices courtesy CADTH).

What treatments are currently listed by BC PharmaCare for patients with Chronic Hepatitis B?

  • entecavir or ETV (generic), especially for those with cirrhosis or portal hypertension, $5.94 per day – CURRENT STANDARD OF CARE (1 of 2)
  • Viread™ or tenofovir disoproxil [fumarate] or TDF (Gilead and generic), $5.28 per Daily dose is 300 mg tenofovir (long-term use known to cause kidney and bone problems) – CURRENT STANDARD OF CARE (2 of 2)
  • lamivudine (generic) $3.81 per No longer in preferred guidelines but still used by many.
  • Intron A® or interferon alfa-2b injections are sometimes used on a temporary Price varies with duration.
  • adefovir dipivoxil (generic) for those with lamivudine resistance, $20.27 per Very rarely used.

More details:  alafenamide-for-the-treatment-of-chronic-hepatitis-b-virus-infection-629352103.html

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