The Week in Review: July 20 – July 27, 2018

This page is an archive. Its content may no longer be accurate and was last updated on the original publication date. It is intended for reference and as a historical record only. For hep C questions, call Help4Hep BC at 1-888-411-7578.

Friday, July 27, 2018

News Recap:

HEPCBC Expands Mandate to Cover Hepatitis B and other types of Viral Hepatitis. (July 27, 2018, Victoria, BC) The timing was auspicious. Tomorrow is World Hepatitis Day and today HepCBC is delighted to announce a new mandate which more broadly supports the World Hepatitis Alliance’s target of eliminating all forms of viral hepatitis from the world by 2030. NEW PURPOSES: HepCBC Hepatitis C Education and Prevention Society has officially changed its registered Purposes to include all forms of viral hepatitis as follows…

OPINION: Nine countries will eliminate hepatitis C by 2030. Why not Canada? Guest opinion by Laurie Edmiston It’s rare that we have good news to share on a day dedicated to raising awareness about a disease.

July 28 World Hepatitis Day Sample Social Media Posts. Take a moment to read about individuals’ experiences in completing HepC treatment—and how they are now helping researchers investigating hepatitis C prevention strategies. We can stop hep C!

BCCDC Grand Rounds for primary care on HCV; MoC credits available. Hello BC healthcare provider, As part of the World Hepatitis Day Committee (HepCBC, Pacific HepC Network, patient advocates, healthcare providers, and volunteers), I’d like to invite you (and your colleagues/contacts) to a BC Centre for Disease Control (BCCDC) Grand Rounds seminar that will provide recent updates on hepatitis C (HCV) screening guidelines, testing, treatment (and coverage), and linkage to care for their patients in BC.

Vancouver Infectious Diseases Centre: Find 50. ANNOUNCING the “FIND 50” Program for BC Physicians and Clinics “FIND 50” is an exciting World Hepatitis Day challenge for physicians and clinics in BC (or anywhere)! If you or your clinic can find 50 HCV+ individuals and engage them in care, you are going a long way to do your part in eliminating this terrible disease.

Physician-Treaters in BC for HepB and HepC Updated. Current list of Physicians in British Columbia Currently Treating Hepatitis B and/or Hepatitis C updated July 25, 2016. Please send any additions or changes to OFFICE DATABASE MANAGER c/o

Hepatitis C – The disease with no warning. Greg Powell is among many Canadians born between 1945 and 1975, a group with the highest rate of chronic hepatitis C in Canada. In the 1980s Greg contracted hepatitis C, but was diagnosed over a decade later. Prior to the news, Greg suffered from hemophilia B, a hereditary bleeding disorder, which required him to undergo a series of blood transfusions.