This page is an archive. Its content may no longer be accurate and was last updated on the original publication date. It is intended for reference and as a historical record only. For hep C questions, call Help4Hep BC at 1-888-411-7578.

Philip Wilkin, who passed away unexpectedly on Nov. 24th, 2018, was a man with the true spirit of giving. Phil sat on various committees designed to improve health and welfare of prisoners within the Canadian Prison System, and actively advocated for education, treatment and prevention.

To help celebrate his achievements, HepCBC has set up a GoFundMe page to collect $1000 to host a COMMUNITY DINNER at OUR PLACE Thursday, January 10th from 5-6 pm.  400-500 guests are expected. Link to GO FUND ME:

Location: Our Place Society, 919 Pandora Ave., Victoria. We hope to see many of Phil’s friends there as well as others in the broader community, many with whom he had interacted during his work at AIDS Vancouver Island.

Can’t donate money? There is also an opportunity for 7-12 people to VOLUNTEER as meal host/server (3-7 pm; dinner is included of course). There will also be an OPEN MIKE to tell the guests about Phil and what he meant to you. Songs or skits, etc. welcome as well. Contact HepCBC through the contact form on to add your name to the server list.

HepCBC has dedicated a webpage to Phil ( and also showcased some of the projects he started in the community, including the Prison Outreach initiative ( and Colouring Book (

We miss him already and are sending love to all who loved him.

MEMORIAL SERVICE for Phil will be held on Friday, Dec. 14th from 1-3 pm at the Victoria Odd Fellows Hall (1315 Douglas St., Victoria). Please come to pay last respects to a man who holds a special place in our hearts.