Drug interactions between HCV treatment drugs and other drugs

This page is an archive. Its content may no longer be accurate and was last updated on the original publication date. It is intended for reference and as a historical record only. For hep C questions, call Help4Hep BC at 1-888-411-7578.

A great new chart showing drug interactions between current HCV treatment drugs (interferon, ribavirin, telaprevir, & boceprevir) and other drugs that may be prescribed to an HCV+ patient is available here:     webpage     Colour PDF    Black&White PDF
It will be kept as current as possible by researchers at the University of Liverpool and was last updated on Sept. 6 2012. It classifies interactions by colour, according to:

  1. “No clinical significant interaction expected” (GREEN);

  2. “Potential interaction-may require close monitoring, alteration of drug dosage or timing of administration” (ORANGE);

  3. “These drugs should not be co-administered” (RED).

    If the coloured symbol is filled in, that means further information is available through other parts of their website (www.hep-druginteractions.org).

    If the coloured symbol is empty, that means the “interaction has not been assessed (either by study or within the product label) and has been predicted based on the metabolic profiles of the drug.”

NOTE: These charts also include similar information for HBV and HIV, either as mono-infections or co-infections, and they include current standard-of-care information about HBV and HIV treatment drugs.
Thanks, University of Liverpool!

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