ANKORS first Institutional Signer of HCV Manifesto; Congratulations!!

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ANKORS  (AIDS Network Kootenay Outreach and Support Society) became the first Institutional Signer of the HCV MANIFESTO today! We hope this is the first of many organizations and individuals in BC, Canada, and perhaps beyond, that will read and sign their support of this document. Once we receive a significant number of signed documents, we will put out a press release. Thanks so much for your support! INSTRUCTIONS below…

To download the document (PDF), click HERE — .

TO SIGN the HCV MANIFESTO, click on the applicable ribbon below. THANKS!!:

Sign HCV Manifesto - IndividualsSign HCV Manifesto - Organizations

(3) And of course, feel free to PASS IT ON by photocopying it, or sending our link via email or Social Media.

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