Sofosbuvir & Ledipasvir price pact for low income countries announced by Gilead

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Gilead signs hepatitis C drug (sofosbuvir – SOVALDI and ledipasvir) pact to make treatment available in low income countries

(Reuters, Sept. 15, 2014)
“U.S. drugmaker Gilead Sciences Inc GILD.O has licensed its hepatitis C drug Sovaldi to seven India-based drugmakers that will sell far cheaper versions of the $1,000-a-pill medicine in 91 developing nations…Gilead said it would also launch its own branded Sovaldi in India at a price of $300 a month. The drug is normally given for either three or six months and costs $84,000 for a 12-week course in the United States. Gilead’s next-generation version is going to be even more expensive.”
LIST of included low-income countries from J. Love of KEI:
LIST of excluded middle-income countries:


Interesting responses to above article:

Reaction from Patient Group to Gilead Announcement: I-MAK Initiative for Medicines Access & Knowledge
KEI (Knowledge Ecology International) welcomes the Gilead HCV licenses, as a step to expand access to treatments. Notes challenges that remain
Professor Brook Baker of Info Justice has a very well researched article.


Also see:

Gilead Pricing Announcement about Upcoming Treatments in USA, Reuters (Sept. 13, 2014)
Gilead Lower-Income Country Pricing Announcement, NY Times (Sept. 15, 2014)
Gilead Lower-Income Country Pricing Announcement, Gilead (Sept. 15, 2014)

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