Price of AbbVie Holkira Pak™ hepatitis C treatment in Canada

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AbbVie Pharmaceuticals announced today that the price of their HOLKIRATM PAK 12-week treatment in Canada for hepatitis C will be $55,860.  It is interferon-free. In some cases ribavirin may be prescribed with it. If you have a problem paying for either HOLKIRATM PAK or ribavirin, AbbVie invites patients, caregivers, and physicians to inquire about their AbbVie Care program at 1-844-471-2273. You may be eligible for some financial support through this program. HepCBC would like to hear your feedback on how well AbbVie Care responds to your needs; thanks! NOTE: HOLKIRATM PAK is known in the USA as VIEKIRATM PAK.

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