View all hepatitis C drug Patient Group input from HepCBC

This page is an archive. Its content may no longer be accurate and was last updated on the original publication date. It is intended for reference and as a historical record only. For hep C questions, call Help4Hep BC at 1-888-411-7578.

We are asking for patients to give us input about a new treatment for genotype 4 patients. Are you curious how we use this data?  Want to see what HepCBC tells BC Pharmacare, or the federal drug review agencies about patients’ opinions of new hepatitis C treatments?

Exactly what did HepCBC tell them about Daklinza (daclatasvir), Holkira Pak (ombitasvir, paritaprevir, ritonavir, and dasabuvir), Harvoni (sofosbuvir+ledipasvir), Sovaldi (sofusbovir), Sunpreva (asunaprevir), Revolade (eltrombopag), Zaxine (rifaximin), Galexos (simeprevir), Incivek (telaprevir), or Victrelis (boceprevir)?

View all HepCBC “Patient Group Submissions” to the federal and provincial governments from 2011 to the present at:

Whenever we are asked to contribute a patient group submission about a hepatitis-C related product, we do so. We contribute as a patient group to reviews by both BC Pharmacare (to determine whether BC Pharmacare patients will be reimbursed for the drugs) and CADTH (federal level – to determine whether the drugs will be available in Canada). At the link above, read the submissions we have made, from the most current down to the very earliest (May, 2011).

We will continue to post to this list whenever we have another review to add. Please feel free to comment, and we hope you will help us by sending your input for each review – it really is an excellent way of helping yourself and others gain access to the best therapies for hepatitis C and its complications.