Canadian Govt. Recommends Treatment for All

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New federal guidelines for all genotypes contain great news for doctors and their many patients with chronic hepatitis C (CHC) infection currently denied treatment because they cannot demonstrate liver damage of F2 (fibrosis score) or greater! Comprehensive new hepatitis C treatment guidelines have been released by the national body which recommends health policies for Canada; see

CADTH (Canadian Agency for Drugs and Technologies in Health) reported that its subcommittee CDEC (Canadian Drug Expert Committee) “recommends that all patients with CHC infection should be considered for treatment, regardless of fibrosis score. Given the potential impact on health system sustainability of treating all patients with CHC infection on a first-come basis, priority for treatment should be given to patients with more severe disease.” CDEC insists, however that treatment “should be initiated by physicians with experience in the management of patients with CHC infection.”

Read more in the January 2015 issue of the hepc.bull:


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