World Hepatitis Day 2015 Summary Report released

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On 28 July, World Hepatitis Day (WHD) brings the world together to raise awareness of the global burden of viral hepatitis and to influence real change in disease prevention and access to testing, treatment and care. One of just four disease-specific global awareness days officially endorsed by the World Health Organization (WHO), WHD unites patient organisations, governments and the general public to drastically boost the global profile of viral hepatitis.

The fifth official WHD took place on 28 July 2015 along the theme of ‘Prevent hepatitis: It’s up to you’. Once again the impact of WHD grew substantially this year, with 159 countries taking part across the globe and 86 national governments commemorating the day. With over 900 events held worldwide, WHD 2015 was marked with screening and vaccination drives, public seminars, press briefings, marches, health fairs as well as more unusual events such as rock concerts, balloon releases and the illumination of well-known landmarks. Throughout the world the day was supported by heads of state, ministers, celebrities, private corporations, civil society organisations, the media and the general public.

The WHD Summary Report celebrates the success of WHD 2015 by showcasing the activities organised by World Hepatitis Alliance (WHA) member organisations, national governments and WHO Regional and Country Offices and serves as an acknowledgement to all those who participated in the day. Read the full report here.

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