Patient input is requested by BCPharmaCare for BMS’s Sunvepra™ (asunaprevir)

This page is an archive. Its content may no longer be accurate and was last updated on the original publication date. It is intended for reference and as a historical record only. For hep C questions, call Help4Hep BC at 1-888-411-7578.

Sunvepra™ (asunaprevir)

Hello!  Once again, HepCBC is calling for your patient or caregiver input.  BC PharmaCare is reviewing whether to add another Direct Acting-Antiviral (DAA) for hepatitis C to its formulary.  This time, Sunvepra™ (asunaprevir) is up for consideration.  This drug will be considered as part of a treatment that is effective for those with hepatitis C Genotype 1 and hepatitis C Genotype 4.  This DAA targets the NS3 protease part of the virus, blocking it and making replication of the virus difficult.  Its method of action is unique among the current arsenal of DAAs.  Although it is not effective on its own, it is paired with Daklinza™ (daclatasvir) or with Daklinza™, peg-interferon plus ribavirin.  The drug itself is taken in capsule format, once a day.  Health Canada issued a Notice of Compliance for asunaprevir in March, 2016.  Sunvepra™ is widely used as an approved hepatitis C treatment in Japan and Russia.  It is manufactured by Bristol-Myers Squibb.

Here are links which explain more about this DAA:

Product Monograph:

Health Canada: Summary Basis for Decision:  Sunvepra™:

Canadian Treatment Action Council WEBINAR on Sunvepra™/asunaprevir:

BC PharmaCare’s Sunvepra™ info sheet:

Pacific Hepatitis C Network:

If you would like to participate in this drug review, please copy and paste these questions into an email to office DOT hepcbc AT gmail DOT com and add your answers.  You may skip questions and are free to make any other comments you would like to add.  You are free to participate if you are affected by hepatitis C in any way: whether you are a patient, a person who has undergone successful or unsuccessful treatment for hepatitis C, or you may be someone who looks after with someone with hepatitis C or have a friend who has the disease.  We’ll use what you say in our review and recommendation to BC PharmaCare.  THANK YOU!! You are supporting a greater diversity of hepatitis C treatments by responding to this questionnaire.



A Questionnaire for Patients and Caregivers to submit to Patient Group HepCBC.


  • How does hepatitis C affect you? (you might be a person with hepatitis C, you might care for someone who has it or you might know someone who has it).  How does it affect your (or the person/people you know) in their daily life?
  • What treatments have you (or the person/people you know who have hepatitis C) tried?  Were they successful?  Were there any side effects?
  • Have you (or has anyone you know) tried Sunvepra™, perhaps as part of a clinical trial?  If so, what experience did you (or they) have?
  • How do you think you (or the person/people you know with hepatitis C) would benefit if Sunvepra™ was available?  Do you think it could improve overall quality of life?  If so, why/why not and in what way?
  • Is there anything else you think BC PharmaCare should consider when it is reviewing this drug?  For example, do you think the drug would be easy to take? Do you think a person would be likely to be able to carry on with normal activities etc.?  What do you perceive the side effects would be like?


Thanks! Now please…

Put your answers into the Body of an email OR email with a Word file attachment. Email to this spam-free address: office DOT hepcbc AT gmail DOT com BEFORE MIDNIGHT June 13, 2016.

You will receive a thank-you email from us acknowledging your submission soon (not automatic – we are real people [volunteers]) on this end!!)