Policy Page

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HepCBC’s “ZERO TOLERANCE” Workplace Bullying and Harassment Policy Procedures
(as of May 1, 2018)

Links to Additional Resources:

Below is from our Policy Manual…

(Policy Manual, item 16) Zero Tolerance workplace bullying and harassment policy

(a) Definition:
Workplace bullying and harassment is behaviour that humiliates or intimidates. It can come from co-workers, supervisors, employers, volunteers, or external sources. Examples might include:

  • Verbal aggression or name-calling
  • Sabotaging work
  • Spreading malicious rumours or gossip
  • Personal attacks
  • Aggressive/threatening gestures
  • Threats to harm others
  • Cyber-bullying

(b) Policy:
Workplace bullying and harassment is unacceptable and will not be tolerated at HepCBC Hepatitis C Education and Prevention Society (“HepCBC”). This policy will be reviewed each year, and every Board Member, staff person, and volunteer will be made aware of it. The Zero Tolerance policy follows Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) policies on workplace bullying and harassment, effective November 1, 2013.

HepCBC Board is committed to preventing or minimizing bullying and harassment to all staff, volunteers, clients, and Board Members and as such:

  • Is committed to training staff, volunteers, and Board Members about how to implement and enforce the policy, has developed an educational presentation and will distribute handouts, and information posters.
  • Will do whatever is necessary to enable victims and witnesses of bullying to come forward confidentially without fear of being further victimized.
  • Will do whatever we can to enable those who bully to learn from their errors, make it up to their victims, and change their behaviour. In some cases more serious consequences must follow in order to prevent bullying from recurring or escalating.
  • Has developed the Workplace Bullying and Harassment Reporting and Investigation Procedures which follow

(Policy Manual, item 17) Workplace bullying and harassment reporting and investigation procedures:
Additional resources and an explanation of legal duties can be found at www.worksafebc.com/bullying/.

(a) Reporting procedures

  • Victim(s) or witness(es) must report bullying or harassment in writing, and as soon as possible, to Operations Manager.
  • If the Operations Manager is the alleged bully, or unavailable, then report to President or Vice President of Board of Directors.
  • Include bully’s and any witness’s names; date, time, and place of incident; what was said or done to victim, and how it impacted victim.

(b) How and when investigations will be conducted

Most investigations at HepCBC Hepatitis C Education and Prevention Society (“HepCBC”) will be conducted internally. In complex or sensitive situations, an external investigator might be hired.
Investigations will:

  • Be undertaken promptly and diligently, and be as thorough as necessary, given the circumstances.
  • Be fair and impartial, providing both the complainant and respondent equal treatment
    in evaluating the allegations.
  • Be sensitive to the interests of all parties involved, and maintain confidentiality.
  • Include bully’s and any witness’s names; date, time, and place of incident; what was said or done to victim, and how it impacted victim.
  • Be focused on finding facts and evidence, including interviews of the complainant, respondent, and any witnesses.
  • Incorporate, where appropriate, any need or request from the complainant or respondent
    for assistance during the investigation process.

(c) What will be included

Investigations will include interviews with the alleged target, the alleged bully, and any witnesses. If the alleged target and the alleged bully agree on what happened, then HepCBC will not investigate any further, and will determine what corrective action to take, if necessary.

The investigator will also review any evidence, such as emails, handwritten notes, photographs, or physical evidence like vandalized objects.

(d) Roles and responsibilities

  • HepCBC’s Operations Manager (or the President or Vice President of the Board, in case the Operations Manager is the alleged bully, or is not available) is responsible for ensuring workplace investigation procedures are followed.
  • Workers, Board Members, and volunteers are expected to cooperate with investigators and provide any details of incidents they have experienced or witnessed.
  • The Operations Manager (or a party appointed by the Board) will conduct investigations and provide a written report with conclusions to the President (or Vice President) of the Board.
  • If external investigators are hired, they will conduct investigations and provide a written report with conclusions to the President (or Vice President) of the Board.

(e) Follow-up
The alleged bully and alleged target will be advised of the investigation findings by the President (or Vice President) of the Board.

Following an investigation, the Operations Manager or a representative appointed by the Board will review and revise workplace procedures to prevent any future bullying and harassment incidents in the workplace. Appropriate corrective actions will be taken within a reasonable time frame.

In appropriate circumstances, workers may be encouraged to seek medical or other professional advice.

(f) Record-keeping requirements
HepCBC expects that workers will keep written accounts of incidents to submit with any complaints. HepCBC will keep a written record of investigations, including the findings.

(g) Annual review
These procedures will be reviewed annually. All workers will be provided with a copy as soon as they are hired, all volunteers and Board Members will be provided with a copy before commencing volunteer or Board work, and copies will be available at our offices or online at www.hepcbc.bchep.org .