This page is an archive. Its content may no longer be accurate and was last updated on the original publication date. It is intended for reference and as a historical record only. For hep C questions, call Help4Hep BC at 1-888-411-7578.
Find Peer Support through Local In-person groups, phone, and email

When doctors run out of time to answer all your questions about viral hepatitis, when some things are just too embarrassing to talk to your friends about, when your family just doesn’t understand what’s wrong, or when you wake up in the middle of the night with an urgent question, who do you turn to? Peer support!
Sometimes we don’t have the perfect answer, but you know other HCV+ or HBV+ people care and understand, and will do their best to set you in the right direction. Information available below on LOCAL SUPPORT GROUPS, PHONE and EMAIL SUPPORT, and ONLINE SUPPORT
Local in-person Viral Hepatitis Support Groups
- For a list of LOCAL SUPPORT ORGANIZATIONS and groups in Canada, CLICK HERE.
- Download CATIE’s wonderful Hepatitis C Peer Support Group Manual here.
Phone and Email Peer Support from HepCBC and Pacific Hepatitis C Network
- HepCBC has a TOLL-FREE Line you can call 24/7 for Confidential Peer Support: 1-844-268-2118 (Press “2”).
(or DIRECT DIAL: 250-595-3892 (Press “2”) or 604-259-0500). Leave a number and a short message. You will usually be phoned back shortly by a peer volunteer knowledgeable about hepatitis C (unless you call late at night, in which case expect an answer in the morning). - If you prefer email support from a trained HepCBC Peer volunteer, fill out the form on bottom of “Contact Us” page.
- See below for information about Pacific Hepatitis C Network’s free and confidential Help Line:
Prison Outreach from HepCBC
- Contact: Toll-free line: 1-844-268-2118 (Press “1”).
(or DIRECT DIAL: 250-595-3892 [Press “1”] or 604-210-2901). - Email:
- Download pamphlet at: (or request free hard-copies).
- Download Colouring Book (with monthly contest!) at:
- Webpage:
- Contact: Toll-free line: 1-844-268-2118 (Press “1”).
British Columbia Toll-Free Hepatitis C Peer-to-Peer Helpline sponsored by Pacific Hepatitis C Network. Accurate information. Meaningful help. Free of charge and confidential.
In the USA:
Online and Phone Peer Support from other Organizations
- Med Help Hepatitis C Forum
- Hep C Net (USA, Yahoo group offering support, newsletter, chat)