
This page is an archive. Its content may no longer be accurate and was last updated on the original publication date. It is intended for reference and as a historical record only. For hep C questions, call Help4Hep BC at 1-888-411-7578.

Transplant (from either Deceased or Living Donors)

Liver Transplant Patient & Family with Surgeon

Liver Transplant Patient & Family with Surgeon

Liver Transplant is a rare option, and many people die while on the transplant list. While most HCV+ liver transplants are from cadavers, we present some information below about living donor transplants as well. 

Also take a look at information for organ donors here.

After a liver transplant, HCV+ recipients still will have HCV, and will need to go through a difficult treatment which can take over a year. Otherwise the new liver will soon get infected.

Mike MacDonald talks Family and Hepatitis C. Straight talk about what it’s like.

A doctor from India contracted HCV through a needle-stick injury. She received a liver transplant, but it failed. She received a second one and it was successful, giving her the gift of many more years with her family.

Living-donor Transplant

Living Donor Transplant : How it Works

Living Donor Transplant : How it Works

Listen to Dr. Robert. Brown explain how living donor transplants can be given to HCV patients before they are ill enough to be considered for a whole-liver transplant.