This page is an archive. Its content may no longer be accurate and was last updated on the original publication date. It is intended for reference and as a historical record only. For hep C questions, call Help4Hep BC at 1-888-411-7578.
View complete, historical set of HepCBC videos at
Events & Media

Body Mapping with Hepatitis C

HepCBC Northern Outreach Roadshow 2014

HepCBC Liver Warriors Marathon Team, 2011-2013 in Victoria, BC

HepCBC LIVER WARRIORS Marathon Team in the Victoria Goodlife Marathon. Victoria, BC Oct. 7, 2012

HCV HepCBC VictoriaDay Parade 20110523
Body Mapping with Hepatitis C
Photos and story of a Hepatitis C Positive Women's Body-Mapping Workshop in Victoria, BC, Canada held during three days in 2011. Co-sponsored by AVI (AIDS Vancouver Island) and CATIE (Canadian AIDS Treatment Information Exchange). An international form of Art Therapy originally used in Africa with HIV/AIDS patients is used here with two HCV+ Canadian women. -
HepCBC Northern Outreach Roadshow 2014
In 2014 two nurses and a hepatitis C survivor made a 5600 km trip to northwestern British Columbia in 18 days, making 21 formal (3 hour) presentations plus 16 informal ones. In the presentations they showed the film DEAL WITH IT about hepatitis C in Canada, gave out educational materials, shared a meal, and consulted with community members about what was needed to eliminate hepatitis C from their communities. Very beautiful scenery and people plus interesting perspectives! -
HepCBC Liver Warriors Marathon Team, 2011-2013 in Victoria, BC
The HepCBC Liver Warriors now have a Charity Pledge Program team in the GoodLife Fitness Victoria Marathon. On October 13, 2013, the 8k, 21k, or 42k participants can walk, run, or roll while fighting stigma against those with hepatitis C, demonstrating the benefits of exercise for those with liver disease, and raising funds for hepatitis C education, prevention, and support programs. Consider joining, volunteering, and/or donating! More info: and This marathon has over 10,000 participants and is a Boston Marathon qualifier! -
HepCBC LIVER WARRIORS Marathon Team in the Victoria Goodlife Marathon. Victoria, BC Oct. 7, 2012
HepCBC Hepatitis C Education & Prevention Society's Marathon Charity Team is the HepCBC LIVER WARRIORS. They are running or walking in the Victoria, BC, Canada Goodlife Fitness Marathon for their second year. This marathon is a Boston Marathon Qualifier, and participants can walk or run a 1/2 Marathon or run 8k or a full Marathon. More info. at -
HCV HepCBC VictoriaDay Parade 20110523
Participation in the Victoria Day Parade in Victoria, BC, is one of the ways stigma against hepatitis C-infected people is confronted by HepCBC Hepatitis C Education and Prevention Society. The popular parade is on TV, where it informs viewers that hepatitis C is a public health danger they should be concerned about, and that they can find more information at . First prize in community organization, decorated car category in 2011!! (got 2nd prize in 2010).
Advocacy & History

HCV HepCBC through years 20120228

MP Murray Rankin gets Hep C Test in Victoria, BC

20150729 ElizabethMayHepCTest
HCV HepCBC through years 20120228
From 1996-2012, HepCBC Hepatitis C Education and Prevention Society (based in Victoria, BC, Canada) evolved, from a small group of people infected with hepatitis C largely through transfusions or blood products from the Canadian Red Cross, to a much larger and inclusive patient-centred society focused on HCV education, HCV prevention, and support for HCV+ people and their families, friends, and caregivers. Video seeks to capture highlights of the history and transformation. -
MP Murray Rankin gets Hep C Test in Victoria, BC
Canada's Official Opposition Health Critic, Member of Parliament Murray Rankin from Victoria, British Columbia, gets publicly tested for hepatitis C by nurses at Victoria's Percuro Clinic on April 17, 2015. Interview and photos provided by HepCBC Hepatitis C Education and Prevention Society. Since this time, 1 more MP (Elizabeth May), 14 BC MLAs, 2 Mayors, and several City Council members have followed his lead, to help de-stigmatize hepatitis C testing, particularly important for Baby Boomers. Thanks, Murray! -
20150729 ElizabethMayHepCTest
Elizabeth May, British Columbia MP (Green Party) explains why she got publicly tested for hepatitis C on July 29, 2015 in Victoria, BC. Nurse: Roz Milne from CoolAid Society. Questioner and videographer was Cynthia Carter from HepCBC.

Pt.8 Hepatitis C Forum in Victoria, BC - Mar 2, 2012 - SERGE VAILLANCOURT Transplant Survivor

Pt.7 Hepatitis C Forum in Victoria, BC - Mar 2, 2012 - SHIRLEY GUST, HCV+ Advocate

Pt.6b Hepatitis C Forum in Victoria, BC - Mar 2, 2012 - DR JOHN FARLEY

Pt.6a Hepatitis C Forum in Victoria, BC - Mar 2, 2012 - DR JOHN FARLEY

Pt.5c Hepatitis C Forum in Victoria, BC - Mar 2, 2012 - DR WAYNE GHESQUIERE
Pt.8 Hepatitis C Forum in Victoria, BC - Mar 2, 2012 - SERGE VAILLANCOURT Transplant Survivor
Serge Vaillancourt tells his personal, riveting HCV story which involves a near-death experience followed by a life-saving liver transplant. With a young family, Serge has much to live for and is very grateful to the person who donated a liver to him. Serge, from Nanaimo, British Columbia, Canada, is spending much of his time these days advocating for those like him dealing with liver diseases such as hepatitis C, and doing everything within his power to get healthy people to sign up as organ donors. His story left many in tears, and we hope many signed organ donor cards will result from his determined advocacy. -
Pt.7 Hepatitis C Forum in Victoria, BC - Mar 2, 2012 - SHIRLEY GUST, HCV+ Advocate
Shirley Gust tells her personal HCV story with great courage and honesty. She has been battling hepatitis C for 33 years while trying to live a normal family life. She lives in the Cowichan Valley on Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada and is hoping to get onto one of the new treatments -- in fact she may be on it now. Go Shirley! -
Pt.6b Hepatitis C Forum in Victoria, BC - Mar 2, 2012 - DR JOHN FARLEY
Dr. John Farley is an Infectious Diseases Consultant for Pacific Correctional Services Canada, and among his many other jobs, has worked with the Liver and Intestinal Research (LAIR) Centre in Vancouver, the Canadian Society for International Health, the WHO, the BCCDC, and Health Canada. He is best known for the passion with which he treats and advocates for the rights of HCV+, HIV+, and co-infected prison populations. However, the research he has conducted and shares in this presentation greatly furthers the case for offering HCV treatment to those our society often neglects or deems 'not worth treating'. He not only shows us why, but how it has been done successfully. His true stories are incredibly inspiring. This is #2 of 2 parts to his talk. -
Pt.6a Hepatitis C Forum in Victoria, BC - Mar 2, 2012 - DR JOHN FARLEY
Dr. John Farley is an Infectious Diseases Consultant for Pacific Correctional Services Canada, and among his many other jobs, has worked with the Liver and Intestinal Research (LAIR) Centre in Vancouver, the Canadian Society for International Health, the WHO, the BCCDC, and Health Canada. He is best known for the passion with which he treats and advocates for the rights of HCV+, HIV+, and co-infected prison populations. However, the research he has conducted and shares in this presentation greatly furthers the case for offering HCV treatment to those our society often neglects or deems 'not worth treating'. He not only shows us why, but how it has been done successfully. His true stories are incredibly inspiring. This is #1 of 2 parts to his talk. -
Pt.5c Hepatitis C Forum in Victoria, BC - Mar 2, 2012 - DR WAYNE GHESQUIERE
Dr. Wayne Ghesquiere is a Clinical Infectious Disease specialist practicing in Victoria BC, associated with several institutions including UBC Medical School, Vancouver Isand Health Authority, and Percuro Clinical Research. He is keenly interested in hepatitis C research, surveillance, treatment, and possible vaccines. His lecture was a well-received introduction to the changes coming to hepatitis C treatment in the upcoming months and years. He spoke at the March 2, 2012 public forum in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada hosted by HepCBC Hepatitis C Education & Prevention Society. This is the #3 of 3 parts of his lecture.