This page is an archive. Its content may no longer be accurate and was last updated on the original publication date. It is intended for reference and as a historical record only. For hep C questions, call Help4Hep BC at 1-888-411-7578.

We are deeply mourning the recent loss of a dear and valued Board Member, Allen McCulloch to complications of liver disease. His partner Susan Malloch spoke about him on World Hepatitis Day in Victoria (see HERE). Below is his Obituary:
McCULLOCH, Allen Glen September 17, 1953 – July 11, 2015 On Saturday July 11, 2015, our beloved Allen passed away at home in Mill Bay, B.C., with his family by his side. Born in Vancouver, B.C., September 17, 1953. Allen was a loving, devoted family man and a loyal friend with a big heart, he had beautiful eyes, a warm smile and an infectious, hearty laugh. Passionate always, living his life to the fullest. Always game for any adventure, loved people and was happiest when he was out in nature or “making things happen”, volunteering, cooking, entertaining, sports, firefighting, working and public service. His extensive travels around the world brought him many, cherished lifelong friends and helped develop his vast knowledge of the world he loved. Predeceased by his loving mother Alma, father Glen, and his sister Valerie. Sadly missed, fondly remembered and will be loved forever by his partner Susan Malloch and her large clan, including 7 grandchildren, his two daughters Jenn and Sarah and their mother Diane, his sister Anne Klein (Steve), niece Kelly Little (Mike), nephew Patrick Scott (Jenn), 5 great nieces and 1 great nephew, and his 5 loyal canine companions. A celebration of Allen’s life will be held on Saturday, August 15, 2015 at the S.V.I. Rangers Hall at 3498 Luxton Rd off Happy Valley Rd., 1:00-4:00pm. Sincere thanks to the staff at Coolaid Clinic Victoria, HepCBC (which Allen was a valued board member), and 4 south RJH. If desired any donations to HepCBC in Allen’s honour would be much appreciated.
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