The Week in Review: September 8 – September 15, 2017

This page is an archive. Its content may no longer be accurate and was last updated on the original publication date. It is intended for reference and as a historical record only. For hep C questions, call Help4Hep BC at 1-888-411-7578.


Friday, September 15, 2017

News Recap:

President’s Report from HepCBC’s Annual General Meeting (AGM)
HepCBC held its Annual General Meeting on September 12, 2017, and we are pleased to note that all the issues that we needed to address were covered.  Rosemary Plummer has stepped down as president after 2 GREAT YEARS of service, but the rest of the Board of Directors has been re-elected, and some very important changes to our Constitution and Bylaws were approved. As soon as the Directors announce any changes in positions, we will let you know.

Viral hepatitis kills more people than HIV, malaria or tuberculosis
According to the Global Burden of Disease study released today, deaths caused by viral hepatitis have surpassed all chronic infectious diseases including HIV/AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis. The study illustrates that in 2016, the total deaths caused by viral hepatitis, including liver cancer, acute cases, cirrhosis, hepatitis A, E, B, C and D account for 1.34 million deaths globally, exceeding tuberculosis (1.2 million), HIV/AIDS (1 million) and malaria (719,000). These staggering death rates occurred despite recent advances in hepatitis C medications that can cure most infections within three months and the availability of highly-effective vaccinations for hepatitis B.

Johnson & Johnson pulls plug on Medivir-Achillion hep C cocktail to focus on hep B
Citing a crowded market of innovative meds, Janssen has canned work on its hep C cocktail program with partners Medivir and Achillion. The pair were working on the hepatitis C treatment regimen known as JNJ-4178, a combo of three direct acting antivirals: AL-335, Achillion’s odalasvir and the Janssen-Medivir med Olysio (simeprevir). The Big Pharma said that the ongoing phase 2 tests with JNJ-4178 will be completed as planned, “but there will be no development thereafter.”

Women with HCV face low ovarian reserve, infertility, miscarriage
Wow! Did you know that women of child-bearing age with hepatitis C showed early signs of menopause, putting them at greater risk for infertility, gestational diabetes and miscarriage? The good news, though, according to a recently published study is that sustained virologic response positively affected these outcomes.

How liver cancer develops
An international team of researchers has discovered a major mechanism in the development of liver cancer. One of the main players in this process is enzyme caspase-8, which assumes an important dual role. It provides short-term protection at the price of long-term development of cancer.

HepCBC had a presence at 2 very different events last week. 

The first was at Recovery Day New Westminster 2017 (but we also had a presence at Recovery Day in Victoria as well) and the second at St Michael’s University School Volunteer Fair in Victoria BCBoth were well attended.