Board of Directors

This page is an archive. Its content may no longer be accurate and was last updated on the original publication date. It is intended for reference and as a historical record only. For hep C questions, call Help4Hep BC at 1-888-411-7578.

HepCBC Board Members (elected at AGM August 26, 2020)

For further information on this important volunteer opportunity see General information about Volunteering and the Job Description of Board Member. Contact us if you are interested. For more information on becoming a member of HepCBC and when and where the next AGM will be held click here!

Daryl Luster (Richmond) – As a person who lived with hep C for years it was clear that there were many others who were not well informed about the need for testing and linkage to care. This is what has inspired me to devote my time to improving the lives and outcomes of all people affected by hep C. This is why I want to be on the board, so that I can share in my knowledge and experience to help others. 
Emma Currie (Kamloops) – I am a current Hepatitis C and HIV Health Navigator and Health Educator in beautiful Kamloops, BC and also a survivor of the hepatitis C virus (along with many, many other hats!) Although I have not been my current role long, my passion for advocacy has been lifelong, especially in the field of addiction, harm reduction, domestic violence, immigrant rights and neurodivergent brain disorders. I feel most at peace when I know I am helping others, and my current position at the AIDS Society of Kamloops has allowed me to discover my advocacy potential and maximize it with the numerous opportunities I have been given. I am honored and grateful to be given the opportunity to sit on the board of an organization that has helped myself and so many others in their times of need, but I am even more grateful for the chance to be a part of building a better world for those with hepatitis C!
Alicia Koback (Langley) – I have worked in Healthcare for 30 years, and after diagnosis and successful treatment for Hepatitis C, I found great fulfillment when volunteering with PHCN or working with the Hepatitis C Leadership Committee. I am excited to be a part of this Board, that works together to enable the vision for no new viral hepatitis infections and the best possible care, treatment and support for people in BC living with hepatitis B or C. It is now my vision as well. 
Jessica Lamb (Kimberley) – I am a person with lived experience. I focus my professional activities as a harm reduction advocate and peer navigator. I was introduced to harm reduction while living with a substance use disorder, entrenched in the cycles of homelessness, IV drug use, and survival sex work.
I was diagnosed with Hepatitis C in 2017 and a year later had completed treatment and cured the infection. By implementing a personalized community-based approach combining resources including plant medicine, peer-based support groups, counselling and western medicine I have been able to heal my soul from the effects of living with an untreated substance use disorder.
Today I live in self-love and believe in meeting people where they are at. I support people with substance use disorder, infectious diseases, homelessness and mental health diagnoses principals of harm reduction. I started an Instagram page in December 2019:
as a space to share information about substance use, harm reduction, safe supply, sex work, infectious diseases, community events, and anything relating to the life of people who use drugs. My mission is simple — empower people who use drugs. We are people and our lives matter. I see being on the board as way of enacting my mission specific to the impact of hep C on people who use drugs, and all people impacted by viral hepatitis.
Erica Thomson (Abbotsford) – Erica is Executive Director for BC Yukon Association of Drug War Survivors and a key partner in hep C work. Her experience with Hep C comes not only from a personal place, but also through her work and connection with many other people experiencing hep C. Erica has established strong working relationships in many areas: peers, health care providers,.activists, community-based groups, funders, policy-makers and key influencers both within and outside government. Erica has been on the PHCN Board of Directors for 7 years and believes that serving on the board of a hepatitis-focused organization strengthens mutual support, capacity and success for everyone.

Retired Presidents:

Douglas Laird, Lifelong Learner and Peer-Researcher (President 2019-2020)
Susan Malloch, RN (President, 2017-2019)
Rosemary Plummer, retired RN (President, 2014-2017)
Stephen Farmer, Businessman, and Cheryl Reitz, Teacher (Co-Chairs 2010 – 2014)
Stephen Farmer, Businessman (President, 2008-2010)
Rock Boisvenu (President, 2007-2008)
Joan Diemcke-King (President, 2006-2007)
Arthur Ralfs (President, 2005-2006)
Joan Diemcke-King (President, 2003-2005)
Gerald Cruz (President, 2002 – 2003)
Joan Diemcke-King (President, 2000 – 2002)
Darlene Morrow and Chaim-David Mazoff (Co-Chairs, Hepatitis C Survivors’ Society, 1999 – 2000)

Honourary Members:

  • Fran Falconer, RN, BScN, PID (Hepatology Nurse)
  • Denis Petrunia, MD
  • Norma McClelland, RN
  • Joan King


JOB TITLE:  Board Member (5-11 Board Members serve on the HepCBC Board). RESPONSIBLE TO:  The Board of Directors


To sit on the Board and help decide the direction of the society, and to help raise money to further its capacity to help those dealing with viral hepatitis.


  1. Attend Board meeting at 5 PM on the first Tuesday of each month (this may change-flexible)
  2. Volunteer for tasks that might come
  3. Help liaise with community
  4. Find sources of funding
  5. Serve on special committees for projects


30% of our Board must have living experience of either hepatitis B or hepatitis C, and be willing to share that status publicly. If you are such a person, be sure to note this when you apply or when nominated.

 Reliability is necessary

  1. Computer and computer skills
  2. Dedication, passion and drive are necessary
  3. Good speaking skills are an asset
  4. Good writing skills are an asset
  5. Good people skills and a sense of humor are an asset
  6. Good communication skills are an asset
  7. Interest and talent for fundraising are an asset
  8. Organizational and financial management skills are helpful
  9. Experience is desirable
  10. Creativity is desirable


This position requires a minimum of two to four hours a week. The meetings can be attended in person or via Skype (occasionally, in an emergency, by phone).


Must be a member of HepCBC  for at least 30 days prior to becoming a Board Director.