This page is an archive. Its content may no longer be accurate and was last updated on the original publication date. It is intended for reference and as a historical record only. For hep C questions, call Help4Hep BC at 1-888-411-7578.

Some of the Things We Do:
- Offer personal support (face-to-face, phone, email)
- Prison Outreach: Toll-free line: 1-844-268-2118
- Publish pamphlets wherever we see a gap (Ex: Baby Boomers and Patient Rights)
- Distribute pamphlets and pamphlet holders in your local doctors’ offices, clinics, labs, immigrant and ethnic associations, Friendship Centres, etc.
- Educate the public: After more than 20 years nonstop, we recently transitioned from publishing our monthly bulletin, the hepc.bull, into putting all of our news through our website, our Facebook site (HepCBCFace), and our You Tube Channel (hepcbc).
- Put awareness ads on public transport throughout BC
- Set up information tables and booths at community events
- Participate in various organizations dedicated to curing hepatitis C
- Actively engage municipal, provincial and national government in hepatitis C issues such as eliminating barriers to treatment access and broadening testing guidelines, as well as confronting stigma and discrimination.
- Provide patient group input to BC PharmaCare and CADTH (Canadian Agency for Drugs and Technologies in Health) in order to get new drugs approved in Canada and made accessible in BC
Conferences and Organizations (participation in and/or presentations to:)
- Canadian Treatment Action Council (CTAC)
- Canadian AIDS Treatment Information Exchange (CATIE)
- Action Hepatitis Canada (AHC)
- Pacific AIDS Network (PAN)
- International Hepatitis Cure & Eradication Meeting
- Canadian Association of Hepatology Nurses (CAHN)
- The Canadian Society for International Health “HCV Services for Immigrants in Canada: Challenges, Opportunities and Lessons Learned” – presentation by HepCBC
- Presentation to AGM of the Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network.
- The 5th Canadian Symposium on HCV
- World Hepatitis Alliance (WHA) Conference, Glasgow, UK
- Canadian Society of Gastroenterology Nurses and Associates (CSGNA)
2020 Highlights
2019 Highlights
2018 Highlights
- Hep C Info Booth at World Community Film Festival, Courtenay BC
- Two Spirits Conference 2018 Supporting Indigenous LGBTQ2 Youth and Allies (Victoria Native Friendship Centre)
- North Island HepC HepB Roadshow
- HepCBC Visit to First Nations Residential School Centre at UBC, April 2018
- HepCBC at Snaw-Naw-As Health Fair, April 2018
- HepCBC at CADTH Conference in Halifax, April 2018
- HepCBC at Surrey Water Polo Health Fair, April 21, 2018
- HepCBC Federal Prison Outreach, June 18-22
- HepCBC at Vancouver East Side Pride, June 23, 2018
- HepCBC at WHD Vancouver Carnegie Centre
- HepCBC at S.U.C.C.E.S.S Chinese Health Fair, Burnaby
- HepCBC at DTES Alley Health Fair
- HepCBC at Recovery Day Victoria
2017 Highlights
- Info booth at Oakridge Centre Mall, Vancouver, BC
- Lunch & Learn: Hepatitis C – by PACE Society with HepCBC, Vancouver
- Surrey PLFV Hep C Conference
- Women’s Night – Stride with Purpose, Port Coquitlam
- Camosun College Volunteer Fair, Victoria
- Men’s Night – Purpose Society, New Westminster
- HCV, HIV, & Substance Abuse – PLFV Chilliwack Conference
- Free Dinner, Social, and Info at Gilmore Park Church, Richmond, BC
- Crystal Pool HEP C Info Table, Victoria, BC
- Langara College’s Nursing Dept. Health Fair, Vancouver
- Canadian Association of Hepatology Nurses (CAHN)
- Hepatitis C Symposium – Canadian Digestive Diseases Week (CDDW / CASL)
- Info booth at Wellness Show, Vancouver BC
- Info booth at Wellness North Expo, Prince George BC
- Hepatitis C Care in Rural/Remote British Columbia Webinar – HepCBC, BCCDC & Positive Living North, Prince George BC
- Info booth at Langford Legion Night Market, Langford BC
- Rural/Remote/Indigenous Hepatitis C Outreach 2017 – Roadshow to Interior of BC, Part 1 of 3
- Selkirk College Nursing Students’ Hepatitis C Seminar, Castlegar BC – Roadshow to Interior of BC, Part 2 of 3
- Info booth at the Lifestyle 55+ Show in Victoria
- Info booth at The Victoria Women’s Expo
- Hepatitis C “Greyhound” Roadshow to Interior of BC, Part 3 of 3 (March 17-25)
- Info booth at Walmart at the Uptown Mall in Victoria
- Hep info table at Church On 5 in Richmond
- Hepatitis Info Booth at CARP Seniors Health, Richmond BC
- Hepatitis Info Booth, Eastside PRIDE, Vancouver BC
- Info booth at Pride Festival in Victoria, BC
- World Hepatitis Day Vancouver, Surrey and Victoria, BC
- Info booth at Pride Festival, Sunset Beach, Vancouver BC
- Presentation at Potluck Dinner, Middle Eastern Friendship Centre, Surrey BC
- Recovery Day New Westminster 2017
- St Michael’s University School Volunteer Fair
- Info booth at DTES Alley Health Fair 2017
- Info booth at Canadian Society of Gastroenterology Nurses and Associates (CSGNA) Conference in Victoria, BC
- Info booth at the 55+ Lifestyle “Inspired Senior Living” Show, Vancouver BC
- HepCBC Representative at World Hepatitis Summit, Brazil
- Info booth at the Aboriginal Health and Wellness Fair, Victoria BC
- Info booth at the UVic Nursing Students’ Health Fair at the Salvation Army, Victoria BC
- Info booth at World AIDS day Vancouver Downtown East Side
- Presentation at the Indigenous Youth Conference in Duncan, BC
- Info booth at the Juan de Fuca Recreation Center, Colwood BC
- Info booth at the Juan de Fuca Public Library, Colwood BC
- Info booth at the Nellie McClung Public Libary, Victoria BC
2016 Highlights
- Info booth at Health and Wellness Fair, Victoria
- Info booth at Walmart at the Uptown Mall in Victoria
- Info booth at Zoomer Show in Vancouver
- Info booth at the Lifestyle 55+ Show in Victoria
- Victoria Launch of “Undetectable,” by Kim Goldberg
- Bus Ads in Northern BC (Prince George, Kitimat, Prince Rupert, Terrace, Dawson Creek, and Fort St. John)
- Presentation at Victoria Native Friendship Center: “Lunch & Learn”
- Info booth at Victoria Immigrant and Refugee Centre Society, Health Fair
- Info booth at Africa Fest, Victoria West Community Centre
- Attended 3 DAYS of Hearing: Tainted BLOOD Compensation – June 20 -22
- Info booth at Mayfair Mall in Victoria
- Info booth at CARP Seniors Health and Resources EXPO in Richmond, BC
- Info booth at Metrotown Mall in Burnaby, BC
- Info booth at Pride Festival in Victoria, BC
- World Hepatitis Day Vancouver, Surrey and Victoria, BC
- Info booth at Pride Festival in Vancouver, BC
- Info booth at Tillicum Centre in Victoria
- Seniors Roundtable, Victoria, BC
- Info booth at Vining Street Party on the Plaza, Fernwood Victoria, BC
- Info booth at the Chinese Health Fair in Burnaby, BC
- Info booth at the Lifestyle 55+ Show in Vancouver
- Info booth at UVic Volunteer Victoria Show
- Victoria Goodlife Marathon HepCBC Liver Warriors Team
- Giving Tuesday Open House, Vancouver, BC
- Info booth at Uptown Mall, Victoria, BC
2015 Highlights
- Info booth at Woodgrove Centre, Nanaimo
- info booth at the First Nations “Gathering Wisdom Health Fair” in Vancouver
- info booth at Victoria Flea Market
- info booth at “Africa Fest” in Victoria
- Baby Boomer Hep C “Test-In” at the BC Legislature in Victoria
- Info and testing event at the Victoria Native Friendship Centre with AIDS Vancouver Island and Victoria Cool Aid Society
- Aboriginal Hepatitis C Awareness Month
- World Hepatitis Day Vancouver, Surrey and Victoria, BC
- Mayors and City Councillor Public Testing for Hep C
- Presentation to Rotary Club of Victoria
- HepCBC Representative at World Hepatitis Summit, Glasgow, Scotland
- Chinese Health Fair, Burnaby
- Info booth at the Lifestyle 55+ Show in Vancouver
- Bus Ads in 7 major cities in BC (Kelowna, Nanaimo, Prince George, Richmond, Surrey, Vancouver, and Victoria)
- Bus Ads in the Fraser region (Burnaby, Port Coquitlam, Surrey, Chilliwack, Abbotsford and the surrounding areas)
- See more……
2014 Highlights
- HepCBC Liver Warriors Marathon Team, Victoria, BC
- Canadian Association of Hepatology Nurses (CAHN)
- Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) HCV Symposium
- Canadian Association for the Study of the Liver (CASL)
- Outreach Road Trip To Northern BC
- World Hepatitis Day
- Info booth at VIRCS (Victoria Immigrant and Refugee Centre Society Multicultural Food and Health Fair)
- Info booth at UVIC Student Society’s Annual Volunteer Fair